At the AYJ we bring together the expertise of our members, strengthening our collective influence, to work on issues surrounding youth justice. Our members range from large national charities, to smaller grassroots organisations. Membership is open to all not-for-profit organisations who share our vision for youth justice.

How do members get involved?

Members get involved with the AYJ's work in a variety of ways, including:

  • Shaping our policies, priorities and activities

  • Contributing advice, information and expertise

  • Attending members’ meetings

  • Contributing to our publications

  • Sharing information in our weekly newsletter

  • Attending meetings with our staff and board

What are the benefits of being a member?

There are no obligations that come with membership at the AYJ, but there are a range of benefits, including:

  • Quarterly members’ meetings with high-profile guest speakers, information sharing, and the chance to network

  • Opportunities for members’ to join expert groups on specific issues and engage directly with decision-makers

  • Weekly members’ newsletter which keeps each member organisation up to date with the latest youth justice news, policy, and parliamentary activity, and shares members’ events, publications, vacancies and updates with over 70 organisations

  • The opportunity for members to input into AYJ publications, submissions and policy influencing work

  • The opportunity for members’ news to be included in the monthly newsletter to key stakeholders, on request

Angle Right

“Being an AYJ member, you are provided information in an accessible way on what can be complex policy and practice areas. The AYJ brings partners together to have more of a voice, particularly those who may not be big enough to have a full policy and communications function.”

– Safer London

“Cuts to funding, capacity and size sometimes mean that many charitable organisations are unable to influence policy alone. By bringing together so many organisations and engaging the sector in developing policy positions, the AYJ amplifies the voice of so many of its members.”

– Khulisa

“Since joining the AYJ, myself and the team have benefited from newsletters and events, we have also found the forums and meetings with policy makers very positive and any responses well-constructed.”

– Reach Every Generation

“The AYJ provides highly well researched and presented documents alongside excellent routes to policy makers.”

– 1625 Independent People

“I joined the AYJ for the shared learning and networking. We can be more impactful in terms of responding to Government consultations and lobbying for youth justice when we join together.”

– Associate Member

Apply to become a member or associate

If you wish to apply for AYJ membership or become an associate, please complete one of our application forms.