Jess Mullen - Chief Executive
Email: jess.mullen@ayj.org.uk
Jess is the Chief Executive at the AYJ, working with the board to set our strategy and leading the AYJs work to drive positive change in youth justice and towards being a more diverse, engaging, sustainable and effective organisation Jess has 20 years experience working in the voluntary sector to challenge systemic injustice by supporting and empowering people who are marginalised or discriminated against to make their voices heard and to advocate for their needs. She was previously CEO at Collective Voice, the alliance of drug and alcohol treatment and recovery charities. Prior to that she was Director of Influence and Communications at Clinks the national charity for voluntary sector organisations working in criminal justice. At Clinks she led influencing activity to promote the role of the voluntary sector in criminal justice, to tackle racism and discrimination in the justice system including youth justice, and to highlight the impact of probation reforms on the voluntary sector.
Millie Harris – Policy Manager
Email: millie.harris@ayj.org.uk
Millie is the Policy Manager at the AYJ, leading the development and delivery of AYJ’s influencing, policy and public affairs work, in conjunction with our members. Millie has worked for the AYJ since 2017, and as the Policy Manager she draws on the experiences of AYJ’s members to shape our policy responses and publications, and engage with parliamentarians and policy makers. Millie has previously worked in legal policy at Clan Childlaw, a legal and advocacy service for children in Scotland; as Parliamentary Researcher for Sarah Jones MP, then Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Knife Crime; and in public affairs at the National Union of Students (NUS).